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VTransparency 3.0

Daily Notes

Project Overview Schedule Kickoff What is a Sprint? Daily Notes User Stories

Day 1

Morning Brainstorm

Guiding Principles


Plow tracking Route priority map Anything that can improve VPINS Tie project updates into GoVT - updates about your commute Tie construction, detours into Google Maps


Why do we do what we do?


OPS Top 10

Capital Projects

Who do I call?

WHY do people call?

WHO do they call?

How do we direct them? Click a point, buffer around it, who do they call? Show a blank map with just some simple polygons

White board Images

Afternoon discussion

Examples of good AGOL pages

VTrans Oregon Utah Iowa North Carolina Washington Maryland
Alaska Boston Minnesota Idaho Colorado Texas New Mexico
We probably don't want to go with AGOL so we have a more flexible platform. The very best AGOL homepage doesn't quite meet our needs.

What is GitHub

Link to Presentation

Github Concerns

  1. Spend too much time worrying about GitHub and lose track of the goals
  2. It's more geared towards technical programming

GitHub Benefits

  1. We might not have to use it so much
  2. One-stop documentation
  3. For the future

Day 2

Steering Committee

Top Achievements

Day 3

Steering Committee


Per Nailor:

Scott: Should we include email addresses? Work with Bean and Craver to figure out why the Ops emails aren't in the ref table

Allen: When click, drop-down box with 3 pop-ups?

Matt: Link as query string to open data portal

Viani: What are the themes for the homepage bins? The popout box should have a common theme

The top level shows a picture and title of the theme, then the popout will contain links to the different places

Scott: All data in GDB_VTrans is publishable under AGO ODP


Top Achievements

Day 4

Steering Committee


New website - great!

Open data portal - Great!

Marshia: Who is this for? You lost me between the home page and the data site

Nailor: Pushing the data out to the open data portal wasn't a primary goal of this effort, but is an unintended benefit of this process

Pavement data - linking to the latest pavement projects is great.

Nailor: Can you show the town and route on the pavement map?

Scott: Why the OSM basemap?

Scott: Why routing?

Marshia: Show the routing.

Allen: Can you use the route as a selection set to display the condition of your routing?

Contact Map - popups have questions at the top

Most of the data was automated, but lacking info on email address for district contacts. Might not be sustainable.

Can it be from MATS?

Filkorn: We update the website manually

Nailor: Note down the issue so we can research a solution later.

Filkorn: How can we develop consistency across the agency. How can we simplify

Marshia: Caputring a comprehensive parking lot is critical to the future. Things we highlight here for the future will be major targets for the agency. Not just "This is awesome" - "These are the things we know we should do. Force the agency to address the issues brought up. Prioritize them"

Viani: Bridges? Do we need condition?

Nailor: national interest in strucutral defficiency sometimes drive it

Scott: towns ask about bridges - summary reports, data etc from Thurber.

Filkorn: Where are the bridge inspection reports?

Marshia: The report is - "We want to show bridges, but we don't know how to display it" for discussion on Monday

Filkorn: Load limits would be dreamy. We get asked about load postings all the time. Different than the individual route permit

Nailor: List bridge restrictions relevant to the public

Allen: Get the more detailed information available too for analysis

Scott: Restricted crane movement map was valuable.

Data support meeting

Projects issue - be sure to bring up Monday so Marshia can put the pressure on to get project managers to input early start date

Contacts issue - there is not a good source of information

9:00 am